In the world of knitting and crafting, the choice of yarn plays a crucial role in the quality, feel, and sustainability of your projects. While recycled acrylic yarn has gained popularity as an eco-friendly option, natural yarns remain a superior choice for many reasons. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of natural yarns and why they are a better alternative to recycled acrylic.

Now I have used recycled acrylic as I thought it was a great eco-friendly option. And it is, up to a point. But the more I looked into it, the more I was changing my mind.

These are some of the reasons why.

1. Comfort and Feel

There are a number of natural yarns that are renowned for their superior comfort and feel. These yarns include wool, organic cotton, silk, and bamboo. They offer a softness and warmth that synthetic fibres like acrylic often can’t match. Natural fibres are also breathable and moisture-wicking, making them ideal for wearable items like sweaters, scarves, and hats. The tactile experience of working with and wearing natural yarns is simply unparalleled.

I use my favourite yarn, Rowan Organic Cotton a lot. It is just so soft and snuggly. The pictures below show how beautifully the yarn comes out in the no needles knitting techniques I use.

I have used a circular knitting machine for all of these, but on a knitting loom the yarn comes out beautifully as well.

2. Sustainability

Recycled acrylic yarn repurposes plastic waste, which is commendable. But the production of acrylic fibres is still rooted in petroleum-based processes. In contrast, natural yarns are derived from renewable resources. Wool comes from sheep, cotton from plants, and silk from silkworms. These resources are naturally replenished and, when farmed responsibly, have a lower environmental impact. I had a huge think about this, and decided that I wanted to only use yarns that didn’t have a bad impact on the planet.

This picture is one of my favourites. It is of organic cotton growing naturally. When I see it I know that I am thinking of the planet in all my projects.

Additionally, natural yarns are biodegradable, breaking down more readily at the end of their life cycle, unlike synthetic fibres which can persist in the environment for years.

Have you seen this? Acrylic takes so long to biodegrade. Even the recycled acrylic. We are still talking tens of years. Find out more about biodegradable times of other household items here.

natural yarns

3. Health and Safety

Natural fibres are generally hypoallergenic and less likely to cause skin irritation. They are also free from the chemical treatments often used in the production of synthetic fibres. Recycled acrylic yarns can still contain trace chemicals and microplastics, which may not be ideal for those with sensitive skin or health concerns.

4. Durability and Performance

Natural yarns have excellent durability and performance. Wool, for instance, has excellent elasticity and resilience, making it ideal for items that need to withstand wear and tear. Cotton is strong and absorbent, perfect for summer garments and home textiles. These fibres often hold up better over time compared to acrylic, which can pill and lose its shape more quickly.

5. Ethical Considerations

Choosing natural yarns can also support ethical farming and manufacturing practices. Many natural yarn producers focus on sustainable and humane practices, such as organic farming and cruelty-free wool harvesting. By selecting natural yarns from reputable sources, you can contribute to a more ethical and sustainable industry.

Natural Yarns V Recycled Acrylic Yarn – Why Nature Knows Best

While recycled acrylic yarns offer a valuable way to repurpose plastic waste, natural yarns provide a range of benefits that make them a superior choice for many knitters and crafters. From their comfort and durability to their environmental and ethical advantages, natural yarns stand out as the better option for those who value quality and sustainability in their crafting projects.

Next time you’re selecting yarn for your knitting or crochet project, consider the lasting benefits of natural fibers. Your hands, your projects, and the planet will thank you.

Find out more about my yarns with my free Yarn PDF

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