Unleash Your Creativity: Exploring the World of No Needles Knitting

I first started with no needles knitting in 2018 when my military husband was on deployment. That was a tough time. Raising two kids pretty much on my own as well as trying to keep my own self care going was very difficult. I found a Knitting Nancy in a charity shop and it reminded…

Exploring the Struggle of The Military Spouse and Identity

Society often seems to romanticise and admire the role of a military spouse. Strong, resilient, and selfless are just a few of the words used to describe these individuals. However, behind the facade of strength and pride lies a harsh reality that is often overlooked. This reality is the lack of identity experienced by military…

From Buttons To Beads: Eco-Friendly Embellishments For No Needles Knitting Projects

No needles knitting projects offer a wonderful opportunity for creativity and self-expression without the hassle of traditional knitting needles. The versatile no needles knitting techniques open up a world of possibilities for crafting unique and beautiful creations. And what better way to enhance your no needles knitting projects than with eco-friendly embellishments? In this blog…

No Needles Knitting for Beginners: A Gateway to Creative Exploration

For many years, the traditional fibre arts such as crochet and knitting have been the go to for many people who want to have some me time. But the alternatives have been few and far between. No needles knitting offers a gentle introduction for beginners, and a wealth of creative possibilities. I have tried a…

Unveiling creativity: How experimenting is great for confidence in no needles knitting

How often do you experiment? Do things in different ways? Use different ideas and materials? As humans, we do find it difficult to experiment. We like the familiar. But experimenting with ideas and techniques is great for your confidence, especially in no needles knitting. This blog post takes a look at the reasons why experimenting…


Relax & Unwind: The Therapeutic Art of No Needles Knitting

In our fast-paced and hectic world, finding time to relax and unwind can be a challenge. For busy individuals, the thought of adding one more activity to their already packed schedules may seem overwhelming. However, let me introduce you to the one hobby that helps me find relaxation and and peace of mind to my…

Knitting Without Needles: Innovative DIY No-Needle Knitting Methods

I can’t knit! I said this so many times over the years. For lots of people, knitting has has long been a beloved craft, passed down through generations. However, for those who are new to the craft or have difficulty with traditional knitting techniques, the idea of using needles can be daunting. Luckily, there are…